Archivo de la etiqueta: Europe

Supporting Instruments and Policy for Transnational Mobility in Spain

Forum International Mobility Milan - ItalyThe days 11 and 12 of November 2014 I was invited to the forum “International Mobility of Young Artists”. It took place in Milan (Italy) in la Fabrica de Vapore. Its objective was to reflect on the current meaning of artistic mobility and on its future in Italy and in the international arena. The debate analyzed the definition of mobility, its history and how it is performed and supported in Italy and abroad.

I was asked to present the different frameworks of the public support to artistic mobility in Spain and its current situation. I used the following slide presentation and I post it in the blog for whoever interested:



Campaña del Sector Cultural Europeo a Favor del Voto – GO VOTE!!

Campaña de las redes culturales europeas a favor del voto en las elecciones europeas

Las organizaciones y redes culturales  europeas siguientes han lanzado conjuntamente la campaña “GO VOTE” para incentivar el voto en las próximas elecciones europeas.

Me sumo a la campaña con el interés de dar fuerza a la idea de que un nuevo Parlamento Europeo promueva una Europa de cultura sobre una Europa de mercaderes y banqueros. Dando el voto a las opciones que se presentan bajo este concepto se puede conseguir.


Seguir leyendo Campaña del Sector Cultural Europeo a Favor del Voto – GO VOTE!!

Els Diners que Venen d’Europa

Programa Cultura Europa
Nou Programa de Suport a la Cultura de la Comissió Europea

Article publicat a la Revista Entreacte (Associació d’Actors i Directors Professionals de Catalunya). Núm. 183. Estiu 2013.

En relació a la internacionalització de les arts escèniques, som un país que presumeix molt però fa poc. Fins ara, si volies quedar bé, o fer quedar bé al polític de torn proveïdor de recursos, només calia explicar alguna anècdota d’una experiència de treball a l’estranger. Ara les coses ja no són així i a molts no els hi queda més remei que fer real i productiva aquesta xarxa d’experiències i contactes internacionals.

Seguir leyendo Els Diners que Venen d’Europa

News from de Spanish Cultural Sector: Budget Cuts and Protests

Agrupación Sr. Serrano
Creative Artists Have it Harder Now in Spain (Agrupación Sr. Serrano - Katastrophe)

I copy in my blog this text initially published in IETM website 

Spanish government budget cuts began in 2009, but the most important arts cuts have been in Autonomous Communities (regions)’s budgets, as they have the most responsibility and funding for culture. Autonomous communities share this with local governments, now mostly bankrupt or with huge debts. The total reductions for the arts are thus more than 25% in global figures, comprising regions and local authorities.

The reaction of artists and arts organisations is muted – everyone is in a state of shock (reinforced by governments and media). There is a universal reaction against cuts in public services, including education and health as well as culture, but culture is the last in the line. Other issues in the protests are corruption, lack of transparency …… There is widespread criticism of the European Council’s policy to control public debt by “austerity” budgets, when everybody in Spain knows that the problem is private, not public, debt : the banks. Seguir leyendo News from de Spanish Cultural Sector: Budget Cuts and Protests

Challenging the Crisis in Performing Arts Sector

The summaries and conclusions of “Open Forum Feria Huesca 2011” have been published. The debates, under the name “Reinvent Yourself to Challenge the Crises” of the Spanish performing arts sector, took place during three months in a “Facebook Group” finishing in an on-site session, the 30th of September of this year in Huesca during “Feria Internacional de Teatro y Danza”. Seguir leyendo Challenging the Crisis in Performing Arts Sector

The Theatres of Berlin. Handbook for Cultural Managers

Following the trip I organized last year in Berlin for the Spanish Red de Teatros Públicos (Spanish Network of Public Theatres), this manual has been edited from the  theatres visited on the occasion. The report can be downloaded at (only in Spanish). Seguir leyendo The Theatres of Berlin. Handbook for Cultural Managers